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Macedonia FACE is a community based social service organization.
5001 Baum Boulevard, Suite #400 • Pittsburgh, PA 15213
412-281-2573 (office) I 412-281-3854 (fax) I info@macedoniaface.org
What’s new?
Mental Wellness Services
With support from the Allegheny County Department of Human Services, FACE has launched Informal Mental Health Services. Families and individuals come to FACE through a variety of program doorways seeking support to achieve their goals and address hardships and concerns.
Through all of the stresses of life, everyone needs mental wellness. FACE is promoting mental wellness through community events and gatherings that provide information, offer strategies to reduce stress and create opportunities to share joy. FACE wants to reduce the stigma around mental health and engage the community in helping each other. Individuals who are struggling to cope are offered screening to assess their needs and referrals to professional treatment when needed. To receive information about upcoming events and programs or to talk to someone individually, follow this link or contact FACE’s Wellness Coordinator @ 412-281-2573 or info@macedoniaface.org.

Access to Recovery
Did you know that drug overdose rates among Black individuals is 2 ½ times that of non-Blacks, and that 90% of individuals who need treatment do not get the treatment they need? Driven by these facts, FACE has begun offering Access to Recovery services.
To prevent opioid overdoses, FACE recommends access to Naloxone – an easy to administer medication that reverses the effects of opioids. This very effective medication, available without a prescription, and can be used in an emergency to restore breathing and save a life!! Individuals who use opioids and their friends and family can keep naloxone on hand – better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it! Contact FACE if you would like to get Naloxone.
FACE is assisting individuals who want help to overcome any barriers preventing them from getting the help they need – including transportation, finding a culturally competent provider, and securing financial resources to pay for care.
FACE staff are available to provide information and referrals and to screen individuals who are unsure if they need help. In addition, look for our staff at local events promoting wellness and stress reduction.
For more information, follow this link or contact FACE at 412-281-2573 or info@macedoniaface.org.